Heel - Healthcare designed by nature

In Heel medicines, several active components are selectively combined and become active on multiple targets in the body. This multi-target approach of Heel pharmaceuticals enables the organism to activate its autoregulatory capacity instead of only suppressing the symptoms and signs of an illness.

Heel multi-component medicines are made up of mostly natural ingredients in low concentrations and are therefore well tolerated and have minimal side effects. High standard clinical studies have proven that Heel pharmaceuticals are effective and safe.

Whether Heel drugs are used in humans or in animals, this good safety profile is another reason why millions of doctors and patients put their trust in Heel natural medicines when it comes to restoring health.

All Heel products need to be taken under supervision of your healthcare practitioner. If you need more information, please book an appointment with our Pharmacist / Homeopath. Tel: 028 3005 2332.

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